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* toolmanager.h V3.1
* Preferences editor main include file
* Copyright (C) 1990-98 Stefan Becker
* This source code is for educational purposes only. You may study it
* and copy ideas or algorithms from it for your own projects. It is
* not allowed to use any of the source codes (in full or in parts)
* in other programs. Especially it is not allowed to create variants
* of ToolManager or ToolManager-like programs from this source code.
/* OS include files */
#include <dos/dos.h>
#include <exec/memory.h>
#include <libraries/asl.h>
#include <libraries/gadtools.h>
#include <libraries/mui.h>
#include <libraries/toolmanager.h>
#include <mui/listtree_mcc.h>
#include <mui/pophotkey_mcc.h>
#include <mui/popport_mcc.h>
#include <mui/popposition_mcc.h>
#include <utility/tagitem.h>
#include <workbench/startup.h>
#include <workbench/workbench.h>
/* Do some redefines to enable DICE register parameters */
#define CoerceMethodA DummyCMA
#define DoMethodA DummyDMA
#define DoSuperMethodA DummyDSMA
#include <clib/alib_protos.h>
#undef CoerceMethodA
#undef DoMethodA
#undef DoSuperMethodA
#if _DCC
/* Define these functions with DICE regargs */
ULONG CoerceMethodA(__A0 Class *, __A2 Object *, __A1 Msg);
ULONG DoSuperMethodA(__A0 Class *, __A2 Object *, __A1 Msg);
ULONG DoMethodA(__A2 Object *, __A1 Msg);
__stkargs ULONG CoerceMethodA(Class *, Object *, Msg);
__stkargs ULONG DoSuperMethodA(Class *, Object *, Msg);
__stkargs ULONG DoMethodA(Object *, Msg);
/* OS function prototypes */
#include <clib/dos_protos.h>
#include <clib/exec_protos.h>
#include <clib/icon_protos.h>
#include <clib/iffparse_protos.h>
#include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
#include <clib/locale_protos.h>
#include <clib/muimaster_protos.h>
#include <clib/utility_protos.h>
/* OS function inline calls */
#include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/icon_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/iffparse_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/intuition_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/locale_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/muimaster_pragmas.h>
#include <pragmas/utility_pragmas.h>
/* ANSI C include files */
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
/* Localization */
#include "locale.h"
/* Global defines for string gadget max. content length */
#define LENGTH_STRING 80
#define LENGTH_HOTKEY 80
#define LENGTH_COMMAND 256
#define LENGTH_PATH 256
/* Private MUI Attributes */
#define MUIA_Popscreen_ShowCurrent 0x804238a7 /* V11 i.. BOOL */
#define MUIA_Popscreen_ShowDefault 0x804295ca /* V11 i.. BOOL */
#define MUIA_Popscreen_ShowFrontmost 0x804261a3 /* V11 i.. BOOL */
#define MUIA_Popscreen_ShowMUI 0x804298bf /* V11 i.. BOOL */
/* Object creation macros */
#define TMString(contents, maxlen, help) \
StringObject, \
MUIA_String_Contents, (contents), \
MUIA_String_MaxLen, (maxlen), \
MUIA_String_AdvanceOnCR, TRUE, \
MUIA_CycleChain, TRUE, \
MUIA_ShortHelp, (help), \
StringFrame, \
#define TMInteger(contents, help) StringObject, \
MUIA_String_Accept, TextGlobalAccept, \
MUIA_String_Integer, (contents), \
MUIA_String_MaxLen, 11, \
MUIA_String_AdvanceOnCR, TRUE, \
MUIA_CycleChain, TRUE, \
MUIA_ShortHelp, (help), \
StringFrame, \
#define TMPopFile(title, contents, maxlen, help) \
NewObject(PopASLClass->mcc_Class, NULL, \
MUIA_Popasl_Type, ASL_FileRequest, \
MUIA_Popstring_String, TMString(contents, (maxlen), NULL), \
MUIA_Popstring_Button, PopButton(MUII_PopFile), \
MUIA_ShortHelp, (help), \
ASLFR_TitleText, (title)
#define TMPopScreen(contents, help) \
MUI_NewObject(MUIC_Popscreen, \
MUIA_Popstring_String, TMString(contents, LENGTH_STRING, NULL), \
MUIA_Popstring_Button, PopButton(MUII_PopUp), \
MUIA_Popscreen_ShowMUI, TRUE, \
MUIA_Popscreen_ShowDefault, TRUE, \
MUIA_ShortHelp, (help)
#define TMPopHotKey(contents, help) PophotkeyObject, \
MUIA_Popstring_String, TMString(contents, LENGTH_HOTKEY, NULL), \
MUIA_Pophotkey_Extended, TRUE, \
MUIA_ShortHelp, (help)
#define TMPopPosition(x,y, help) PoppositionObject, \
MUIA_Popposition_XPos, (x), \
MUIA_Popposition_YPos, (y), \
MUIA_Popstring_String, TMString(NULL, LENGTH_STRING, NULL), \
MUIA_ShortHelp, (help)
/* Debugging */
#ifdef DEBUG
/* Global data */
/* Macros */ /* 87654321 */
#define STARTUP_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 0, (x)) /* 1 */
#define MEMORY_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 1, (x)) /* 2 */
#define LOCALE_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 2, (x)) /* 4 */
#define MAINWINDOW_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 3, (x)) /* 8 */
#define LISTPANEL_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 4, (x)) /* 10 */
#define LISTTREE_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 5, (x)) /* 20 */
#define BASE_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 6, (x)) /* 40 */
#define EXEC_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 7, (x)) /* 80 */
#define IMAGE_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 8, (x)) /* 100 */
#define SOUND_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 9, (x)) /* 200 */
#define MENU_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 10, (x)) /* 400 */
#define ICON_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 11, (x)) /* 800 */
#define DOCK_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 12, (x)) /* 1000 */
#define ACCESS_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 13, (x)) /* 2000 */
#define GROUP_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 14, (x)) /* 4000 */
#define CONFIG_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 15, (x)) /* 8000 */
#define GLOBAL_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 16, (x)) /* 10000 */
#define POPASL_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 17, (x)) /* 20000 */
#define DROPAREA_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 18, (x)) /* 40000 */
#define ENTRYLIST_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 19, (x)) /* 80000 */
#define ENTRIES_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 20, (x)) /* 100000 */
#define MISC_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 21, (x)) /* 200000 */
#define CLIPWINDOW_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 22, (x)) /* 400000 */
#define CLIPLIST_LOG(x) _LOG(0, 23, (x)) /* 800000 */
#define STARTUP_LOG(x)
#define MEMORY_LOG(x)
#define LOCALE_LOG(x)
#define LISTPANEL_LOG(x)
#define LISTTREE_LOG(x)
#define BASE_LOG(x)
#define GROUP_LOG(x)
#define EXEC_LOG(x)
#define IMAGE_LOG(x)
#define SOUND_LOG(x)
#define MENU_LOG(x)
#define ICON_LOG(x)
#define DOCK_LOG(x)
#define ACCESS_LOG(x)
#define CONFIG_LOG(x)
#define GLOBAL_LOG(x)
#define POPASL_LOG(x)
#define DROPAREA_LOG(x)
#define ENTRYLIST_LOG(x)
#define ENTRIES_LOG(x)
#define MISC_LOG(x)
#define CLIPLIST_LOG(x)
/* Globale ToolManager definitions */
#include "/global.h"
/* Global data */
extern struct Library *DOSBase;
extern struct Library *IconBase;
extern struct Library *IFFParseBase;
extern struct Library *IntuitionBase;
extern struct Library *MUIMasterBase;
extern struct Library *SysBase;
extern struct Library *UtilityBase;
extern struct MUI_CustomClass *MainWindowClass;
extern struct MUI_CustomClass *GlobalClass;
extern struct MUI_CustomClass *ListPanelClass;
extern struct MUI_CustomClass *ListTreeClass;
extern struct MUI_CustomClass *PopASLClass;
extern struct MUI_CustomClass *DropAreaClass;
extern struct MUI_CustomClass *EntryListClass;
extern struct MUI_CustomClass *BaseClass;
extern struct MUI_CustomClass *GroupClass;
extern struct MUI_CustomClass *ObjectClasses[];
extern struct MUI_CustomClass *ClipWindowClass;
extern struct MUI_CustomClass *ClipListClass;
extern struct Hook AppMessageHook;
extern char *ProgramName;
extern ULONG CreateIcons;
extern const char ConfigSaveName[];
extern const char ConfigUseName[];
extern const char *TextGlobalTitle;
extern const char *TextGlobalCommand;
extern const char *TextGlobalSelectCmd;
extern const char *TextGlobalDirectory;
extern const char *TextGlobalSelectDir;
extern const char *TextGlobalHotKey;
extern const char *TextGlobalPublicScreen;
extern const char *TextGlobalPosition;
extern const char *TextGlobalExecObject;
extern const char *TextGlobalImageObject;
extern const char *TextGlobalSoundObject;
extern const char *TextGlobalDock;
extern const char *TextGlobalSelectFile;
extern const char *TextGlobalDelete;
extern const char *HelpGlobalDelete;
extern const char *TextGlobalUse;
extern const char *HelpGlobalUse;
extern const char *TextGlobalCancel;
extern const char *HelpGlobalCancel;
extern const char TextGlobalAccept[];
extern const char TextGlobalEmpty[];
/* Data structures */
struct AttachData {
struct MinNode ad_Node;
Object *ad_Object;
Object *ad_AttachedTo;
struct DockEntry {
struct MinNode de_Node;
struct AttachData *de_Exec;
struct AttachData *de_Image;
struct AttachData *de_Sound;
/* Prototypes of internal functions */
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateMainWindowClass(void);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateListPanelClass(void);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateListTreeClass(void);
struct AttachData *AttachObject(Object *, Object *, ULONG);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreatePopASLClass(void);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateDropAreaClass(void);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateEntryListClass(void);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateBaseClass(void);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateExecClass(void);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateImageClass(void);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateSoundClass(void);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateMenuClass(void);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateIconClass(void);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateDockClass(void);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateAccessClass(void);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateGroupClass(void);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateClipWindowClass(void);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateClipListClass(void);
void ReadConfig(Object *, Object **, BOOL, const char *);
const char *ReadConfigWithRequester(Object *, Object **, BOOL,
const char *);
BOOL WriteConfig(Object *, Object **, const char *, BOOL);
const char *WriteConfigWithRequester(Object *, Object **,
const char *, BOOL);
char *ReadStringProperty(struct IFFHandle *, ULONG, ULONG);
BOOL WriteProperty(struct IFFHandle *, ULONG, void *,
BOOL WriteStringProperty(struct IFFHandle *, ULONG,
const char *);
BOOL ParseGlobalIFF(struct IFFHandle *);
BOOL WriteGlobalIFF(struct IFFHandle *);
void FreeGlobalData(void);
struct MUI_CustomClass *CreateGlobalClass(void);
void OpenGlobalWindow(Object *);
BOOL CheckRequesters(Object *);
void ReadDockEntries(struct IFFHandle *, struct MinList *,
Object *, Object **);
BOOL WriteDockEntries(struct IFFHandle *,
struct MinList *);
void FreeDockEntry(struct DockEntry *);
void FreeDockEntries(struct MinList *);
struct DockEntry *CopyDockEntry(struct DockEntry *, Object *);
BOOL RemoveDockEntryAttach(struct DockEntry *,
struct AttachData *);
void InitLocale(void);
void DeleteLocale(void);
const char *TranslateString(const char *, ULONG);
ULONG DoSuperNew(Class *, Object *, Tag tag1, ...);
char *DuplicateString(const char *);
char *GetStringContents(Object *, const char *);
ULONG GetCheckmarkState(Object *, ULONG);
ULONG GetCheckitState(Object *, ULONG);
struct AttachData *GetAttachData(Object *, Object *,
struct AttachData *);
void SetDisabledState(Object *, ULONG);
Object *MakeButton(const char *, const char *);
Object *MakeCheckmark(ULONG, const char *);
/* ToolManager class Methods */
#define TMM_Methods (TAG_USER + 0x00100000)
/* Method name Method ID */
/* Method params Return type */
/* All classes */
#define TMM_Finish (TMM_Methods + 1)
/* TMP_Finish (void) */
/* MainWindow class */
#define TMM_Load (TMM_Methods + 2)
/* TMP_Load (void) */
#define TMM_Menu (TMM_Methods + 3)
/* TMP_Menu (void) */
#define TMM_AppEvent (TMM_Methods + 4)
/* TMP_AppEvent (void) */
/* ListTree class */
#define TMM_NewGroup (TMM_Methods + 5)
/* Msg ("Tree Node") */
#define TMM_NewObject (TMM_Methods + 6)
/* Msg ("Tree Node") */
#define TMM_Sort (TMM_Methods + 7)
/* Msg (void) */
#define TMM_Selected (TMM_Methods + 8)
/* TMP_Selected (void) */
#define TMM_Update (TMM_Methods + 9)
/* TMP_Update (void) */
/* Classes derived from Base class */
#define TMM_Attach (TMM_Methods + 10)
/* TMP_Attach (struct AttachData *) */
#define TMM_Detach (TMM_Methods + 11)
/* TMP_Detach (void) */
#define TMM_Notify (TMM_Methods + 12)
/* TMP_Notify (void) */
#define TMM_Edit (TMM_Methods + 13)
/* TMP_Edit (void) */
#define TMM_Change (TMM_Methods + 14)
/* Msg (void) */
#define TMM_ParseIFF (TMM_Methods + 15)
/* TMP_ParseIFF (BOOL) */
#define TMM_WriteIFF (TMM_Methods + 16)
/* TMP_WriteIFF (BOOL) */
/* Classes derived from Base class, ListPanel class, EntryList class */
#define TMM_WBArg (TMM_Methods + 17)
/* TMP_WBArg (Object *) */
/* ClipList, DropArea and Dock classes */
#define TMM_DoubleClicked (TMM_Methods + 18)
/* Msg (void) */
/* EntryList class */
#define TMM_Column (TMM_Methods + 19)
/* TMP_Column (void) */
/* Method parameters */
#define TMV_Finish_Cancel 0
#define TMV_Finish_Use 1
#define TMV_Finish_Test 2
#define TMV_Finish_Save 3
struct TMP_Finish {
ULONG tmpf_MethodID;
ULONG tmpf_Type;
struct TMP_AppEvent {
ULONG tmpae_MethodID;
struct AppMessage *tmpae_Message;
Object *tmpae_Object;
struct TMP_Load {
ULONG tmpl_MethodID;
const char *tmpl_File;
struct TMP_Menu {
ULONG tmpm_MethodID;
ULONG tmpm_UserData;
struct TMP_SetGroup {
ULONG tmpsg_MethodID;
const char *tmpsg_Name;
struct TMP_Selected {
ULONG tmps_MethodID;
struct MUIS_Listtree_TreeNode *tmps_Entry;
struct TMP_Update {
ULONG tmpu_MethodID;
Object *tmpu_Entry;
ULONG tmpu_Type;
struct TMP_Attach {
ULONG tmpa_MethodID;
Object *tmpa_Object;
struct TMP_Detach {
ULONG tmpd_MethodID;
struct AttachData *tmpd_Data;
struct TMP_Notify {
ULONG tmpn_MethodID;
struct AttachData *tmpn_Data;
struct TMP_Edit {
ULONG tmpe_MethodID;
Object *tmpe_Group;
struct TMP_ParseIFF {
ULONG tmppi_MethodID;
struct IFFHandle *tmppi_IFFHandle;
Object **tmppi_Lists;
struct TMP_WriteIFF {
ULONG tmpwi_MethodID;
struct IFFHandle *tmpwi_IFFHandle;
struct TMP_WBArg {
ULONG tmpwa_MethodID;
struct WBArg *tmpwa_Argument;
Object **tmpwa_Lists;
struct TMP_Column {
ULONG tmpc_MethodID;
ULONG tmpc_Column;
/* Method attributes */
/* i = Can be supplied in OM_NEW */
/* I = MUST be supplied in OM_NEW */
/* s = Can be changed with OM_SET */
/* g = Can be requested with OM_GET */
#define TMA_DUMMY (TAG_USER + 0x00100000) /* XXX (Type) */
/* ListTree attributes */
#define TMA_LISTTREE (TMA_DUMMY + 0x0000)
#define TMA_Class (TMA_LISTTREE + 1) /* I.. (MUI_CustomClass *) */
#define TMA_Active (TMA_LISTTREE + 2) /* ..g (Object *) */
/* Base attributes */
#define TMA_BASE (TMA_DUMMY + 0x1000)
#define TMA_Name (TMA_BASE + 1) /* Isg (const char *) */
#define TMA_ID (TMA_BASE + 2) /* .sg (ULONG) */
#define TMA_Type (TMA_BASE + 3) /* I.g (ULONG) */
#define TMOBJTYPE_GROUP TMOBJTYPES /* special value for groups */
#define TMA_List (TMA_BASE + 4) /* I.. (Object *) */
/* DropArea attributes */
#define TMA_DROPAREA (TMA_DUMMY + 0x2000)
#define TMA_Attach (TMA_DROPAREA + 1) /* I.g (struct AttachData *) */
#define TMA_Object (TMA_DROPAREA + 2) /* .s. (struct Object *) */
/* EntryList attributes */
#define TMA_ENTRYLIST (TMA_DUMMY + 0x3000)
#define TMA_Entries (TMA_ENTRYLIST + 1) /* I.g (struct MinList *) */
/* PopASL attributes */
#define TMA_POPASL (TMA_DUMMY + 0x4000)
#define TMA_ButtonDisabled (TMA_POPASL + 1) /* .s. (BOOL) */